Monday, March 14, 2016

All about Renewable Energy

What you should know about renewable energy

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Super Clean Energy Source. (Photo Credits)

Renewable Energy has been abuzz lately as more and more nations are aiming towards using as much of it as possible. Builders and Contractors   

Climate Progress for instance shared in one of its posts that Hawaii may soon just get power only from renewable energy sources.

"Hawaii's dramatic shift to renewable energy over the past few years has been largely driven by the island state's high electricity prices. Hawaii gets most of its electricity from oil-fired power plants, and all the oil is imported. Electricity there can cost three times as much as the national average."

Read the rest of the article here.

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Science Alert meantime reported that South American nation Costa Rica has been able to live off Renewable Energy for straight 75 days. Big List of Electrician Services           

"The Central American country has achieved a major clean energy milestone, meeting 100 percent of its power demand with renewable energy for 75 straight days."

Check out the whole post here.

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The Guardian meantime highlighted in one of its published articles that Uruguay is also taking advantage of its country's renewable energy sources.

"here are no technological miracles involved, nuclear power is entirely absent from the mix, and no new hydroelectric power has been added for more than two decades. Instead, he says, the key to success is rather dull but encouragingly replicable: clear decision-making, a supportive regulatory environment and a strong partnership between the public and private sector."

More on the article here.

If given a chance would you fully switch to renewable energy too?

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The post All about Renewable Energy appeared first on GforceElectric.

This post first appeared on Tim Queen Blogspot

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