Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Power of Solar Lamps

All About Solar Lamps

Solar Lamp

Solar Lamps are very useful plus it has an independent power source. (Photo Credits)

Solar Lamps are very useful and are energy efficient. It is also a cost effective way to illuminate a room, especially since it does not use up traditional electricity.

Science Alert says an old phone can be converted into a Solar-Powered Lamp. Builders and Contractors

"On average, mobile phones today are replaced every two years, but the lithium-ion batteries inside them are still good for around five years of use. That means they end up being thrown out or recycled while they've still got a good three years' worth of juice left – more than enough to store power for LED solar lamps, as a researcher from Kyung Hee University in Seoul has discovered. That's a big deal in remote regions and developing countries, where they currently have to rely on kerosene lamps for lighting, which pump out dangerous, toxic fumes, provide inconsistent light, and easily cause burns and start fires."

Check out the post here.

Bright and Energy-Efficient

Huffington Post meantime shared how energy lamps are helping less fortunate communities in terms of providing light to areas that have yet to be reached by traditional power lines. Electricians    

"People living without electricity typically rely on kerosene lamps, and other hazardous light sources, which can lead to burns, injuries, poisoning and other devastating risks, according to the World Health Organization. Realizing the need for a more efficient energy source, a handful of for-profit companies have developed business models that enable underserved people to purchase solar energy, and, in turn, protect themselves and the environment in the process."

Read the rest of the article here.

Related Solar Power Installation Services:

In Jordan, Solar Lamps are also being utilized this time to help in energy efficiency.

According to the Jordan Times the Amman Municipality lined a major road with solar-powered lamps.

"The municipality plans to install more than 25,000 solar-powered LED lamps across the capital's streets to reduce the energy bill, he said. Currently, the annual bill for lighting Amman's streets stands at JD10 million, according to Farajeen, who added that when the project is completed it will reduce the bill by 50 per cent."

Read the rest of the report here.

Have you ever used a Solar Powered Lamp?

Gforce Green Electric Solutions

2920 McGraw St San Diego, CA 92117

(858) 480-6559

Gforce Electrician San Diego California


The post The Power of Solar Lamps appeared first on GforceElectric.

This post first appeared on Tim Queen Blogspot

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